Farbmusik / Colormusic

Farbmusik / Color Music

Color music is the musical interpretation of colors and their emotional content. Due to a special talent, colors and music always had a connection for me. When creating color music, it was my aim to create music that would make this connection tangible for everyone. During the years of researching these aspects of music, nothing was left to chance, and yet I see color music as a very personal view of music and color.

In the conversion of colors into music I have focused on the spectral colors. The spectral colors are the sum of the light visible to us and represent the totality of human emotions. There are of course also different shades of colors which make different emotions experienceable - therefore, not every "red" sounds equally intense. There is a bright light red but also a darker dramatic red. Also mixed colors and different colors in one piece are possible but in terms of color music this makes no sense. The colors " white " and " black " cannot be realized musically. White is the sum of all colors and black the absence of all colors.

Color music: what is music for colors? Every color has an emotional component, which can be represented by music. Red, for example, is a very dynamic, very focused and maybe even aggressive dramatic color and so a piano piece or a piano improvisation can be played according to this color. As a professional musician I have spent a lot of time on piano and guitar improvisation and compositional concepts that focus on this aspect of music to represent colors musically. Experience concerts have shown that a significant part of the audience perceives the played rides as such and listens to them. Since an improvisation depends to a large extent on the mood, the audience, the day, the astrological constellations, the environment or whatever, every concert is different. Color music is accordingly an instantaneous transformation of colors into music.

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