Farbmusik - Violet Music


Violet is THE transcendental color and is brought in connection with religion, spirituality since many centuries. For me violet stands for " drained in the divine ". Indigo was the bridge between heaven and earth, violet now is heaven, the divine. Since nobody ever was able to describe " the divine " and also don't try to do it, but I have composed music as a more adequate expression for it then words could do it. Possible expressions associated with violet are : Faith, mysticism, transformation, timeless, spirituality, healing, serving.

There are several composing techniques and keys related to violet. The keys are Gm, Dm, Bm, Am, C Dur ( without definition of the tonal center ) and any kind of variation where you avoid a tonal center in the named keys. You can achieve this goal by using inversions of the chords in your progression. Working with beats I have used mostly 60 bpm which is the normal pulse when you are relaxed.

You find Farbmusik in all streaming and download plattforms. Here you find a selection of violet music.